The quality of the air in your home has a direct impact on your health and that of your family. The experts at Central Carolina Cooling can help you better understand your indoor air quality (IAQ) issues and their possible solutions.


Ventilation is Critical for Good IAQ

The air outside is generally far cleaner than the air inside, so ensuring proper ventilation is important for maintaining good indoor quality. Ventilators create a healthy airflow by allowing the cleaner air from outside to come in while also allowing the dirtier air from inside to escape.

This airflow is so critical because, without it, levels of allergens, bacteria, and other airborne contaminants can rise to unsafe levels. Additionally, many everyday household products emit volatile organic chemicals that can cause serious health issues without adequate ventilation.

Air Purifiers Help to Rid Your Home’s Air of Pollutants

While there are a number of different kinds of air purifiers on the market, many use filters to trap particles floating through the air. HVAC systems already have a filter built into them, but they sometimes need a little help. Of course, these devices work best in buildings with proper ventilation. 

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